

Should We Always Aim to Reduce Inventory Levels?

Though reducing inventory is generally advisable special situations arise when stocking inventory makes good business sense. Certainly reducing inventory on hand is typically preferred as you can accelerate your cash flow. It is one of the key focus areas of my consulting practice. I have found that reducing inventory [...]

I Can’t Find What I Need in My Warehouse!

Inventory accuracy depends on so many moving parts. But a top-to-bottom understanding of the process combined with speedy adjustment responses would dramatically improve accuracy, thus, boosting business results. How many times have we heard this? Or, perhaps your inventory resource will keep looking until he/she finds it; however, it [...]

Types of Capacity

Businesses with growth ambitions have to gauge the current capacity of every facet of their facility to plan future productivity. Capacity is a critical element for any business – and especially those interested in growth! A good place to start is to understand your capacity, which can mean different [...]

Manufacturers See Critical Importance of Collaboration

June 15, 2015 According to a recent KPMG survey on the Global Manufacturing Outlook, executives are thinking about innovation. 81% are altering their business models to to encourage collaboration with customers, suppliers and other partners to "improve the value of their innovation investments". Speed is critical. Thus, a key [...]

Build a Solid Foundation with Data Integrity

Actionable data is only as valuable as the care and attention that goes into data entry. I recently was talking with a key client about the importance of building a foundation for new processes, and it sparked the idea for this article.  If there is one common problem my [...]

Summer Priorities for the Most Successful Executives

Before the summer months distract you, review your priorities. Make sure you’re focusing on matters that get you closer to reaching your goals. As we head into summer, it is always good to think about what the most successful executives do to keep the momentum going. What do they [...]

2023-09-19T19:02:30-07:00May 29, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , , |

Where Should I Start to Ensure Demand Planning Success?

It’s easy to feel lost when you have no direction from customers about their own sales projections. Get a clearer picture through demand planning. 80% of companies are not in front of their demand. How can you decide what to plan for if you don’t know where you are [...]

Pioneer of Supply Chain Employment

Bold ideas in employment may be counterintuitive but you have to be willing to fail to win big. I recently attended the Southern California Logistics & Supply Chain Summit hosted by the Center for Supply Chain & Logistics of the Drucker School of Management and the Inland Empire Economic [...]

What You Don’t See

Missing important clues at work because they’re not obvious or visible is as good as going around with blinders. Part of having an eagle eye is knowing what you don't see. I've found that being observant while walking around a manufacturing or distribution facility can yield many hidden gems. [...]

Leverage Systems for Growth

If you’re riding a wave of growing demand put systems in place that can support the increased workload and not wipe out your goals. Lately I've been talking with many clients and potential clients who are interested in growth. Although rapid growth is exciting, it can also be one [...]

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