

The Project Managers Skill Gap

With manufacturers and distributors finding it increasingly difficult to find top talent, bridging the skills gap has become a leading managerial task for success and even survival. According to a recent survey, 87% of manufacturers and distributors cannot find the skills required to successfully run their businesses. These results didn’t surprise [...]

Manufacturing Management Success: Managing in Today’s Complex World

Complexity abounds in manufacturing management; can you rise to the challenge? Complexity abounds!  Supply chains are extended. Risks must be mitigated. Rules and regulations are increasing. Talent is in short supply.  95% of business is outside the U.S. yet expanding internationally brings challenges and complexity. Customers are demanding more [...]

Turning Data Into Dollars

Extract the right data at the right time in a meaningful format for decision-making. Almost every company I work with seems to get caught up in the bells and whistles of their new or upgraded software; however, when push comes to shove, the bells and whistles mean nothing if [...]

Warehousing Thoughts

Warehousing is often overlooked for its simplicity, but it’s one of the strongest links in your supply chain. Warehousing is an often-overlooked area of the business. We store and ship. How hard can it be? Well, there are plenty of ways to dramatically improve your warehousing service and efficiency. [...]

The Amazon Effect – Exceptional Service

Although I've been mentioning the Amazon effect a lot lately, I thought it deserved it's own priority. It's become the phrase that means "exceptional service" (Sunday deliveries, no-hassle refunds), rapid delivery (same day shipping is becoming commonplace) and the latest technology (drones). It syncs up 100% with what I'm [...]

Profit Drivers

The key to success isn't to think about profit but instead to think about profit drivers. What business isn't interested in profit? None I can think of - even non-profit businesses need to be concerned about whether they'll come out "a wash". I find that the key to success [...]

What are the Benefits of SIOP?

Companies that conduct effective Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning (SIOP) are able to balance supply with demand and exceed customer expectations. Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning (SIOP) is a process that manufacturers and distributors utilize to align supply with demand. What are the key benefits? Happy customers: Lately, I've [...]

Virtual Teams a “Must” in New Normal

Advances in telecommunications have created a new normal business environment that allows collaboration across functions, sites, organizations, and oceans—and continually raises customer expectations. Are you ready for 2014? Managing traditional supply chain teams will no longer be enough! Instead, in order to thrive in the new normal business environment, [...]

Is On-the-job Training Enough?

On-the-job training is rarely enough! In a survey conducted by my firm, LMA Consulting Group Inc. in conjunction with the APICS-Inland Empire chapter, it was found that on-the-job training is the most frequent methodology used to train workers yet 87% of manufacturers and distributors surveyed are experiencing a skills gap.  What [...]

Hard to Find Needed Talent

77% of those surveyed are struggling to hire people with all of the required skill sets. Manufacturers and distributors cannot find top talent!  In a survey conducted by my firm, LMA Consulting Group Inc. in conjunction with the APICS-Inland Empire chapter, it was found that 77% of manufacturers are [...]

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