

Win-Win Focus on the Customer and Costs

As companies are searching for ways to successfully navigate these turbulent times, the best ones are achieving a win-win focus on the customer and costs. Since the pandemic, there has been a heightened awareness of the customer experience as companies struggled with supply chain disruptions, delays, shortages, and the lack of resources.

Supply Chain Resilience Has Risen to the Top with the White House Council

The White House has launched a cabinet-level supply chain council as the criticality of the topic rises to the top.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Highlights Proactive Backlog Management as a Keystone for Elevating Customer Service in Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 20, 2023 –  In a business landscape characterized by unprecedented business volatility, maintaining stellar customer service emerges as a critical differentiator for companies navigating the ebbs and flows of the current market. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD and President of [...]

How Simple Metrics Will Drive Results

Simple metrics drive results. Whether a food and beverage manufacturer or an aerospace distributor, measuring the "right" metrics will focus attention on key issues and drive results.

How to Evaluate ERP Systems & Related Technologies

Only companies that automate, digitize, and utilize modern ERP systems and advanced technologies will survive, let alone thrive during the next decade. There is no doubt that volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) have increased in importance since the pandemic, and even though progress has occurred, there is no end in sight.

Sustainability Driving Triple Bottom Line in Manufacturing and Logistics

With sustainability increasing in popularity and the carbon footprints of end-to-end supply chains evaluated, innovation and manufacturing will skyrocket.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies: From 3D Printing to AI

Medtech companies’ focus on supply chain resiliency and mitigating supply chain risk has increased over the last few years as the pandemic triggered extended lead times, delays, and rising costs.

The Power of SIOP / S&OP in Fueling Profitable Growth

In the last month, clients have been proving the critical importance of SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP or IBP (Integrated Business Planning) time and again.

Local Sourcing Has Big Benefits for Business

Lisa Anderson was quoted in an article on the American Express website discussing why local sourcing can help benefit your business in a big way!

Navigating a Slow Economy: Strategies for Manufacturers

Lisa Anderson of LMA Consulting Group was quoted in Manufacturing Dive about how manufacturers can navigate a slowing economy.

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