

Achieving Results with LMA Consulting: Avtron Power Solutions’ Journey

Rahul Jhalawad, CFO of Avtron Power Solutions, shares his experience working with LMA Consulting Group to address critical business challenges. Learn how LMA’s expertise helped identify key focus areas, implement actionable strategies, and drive measurable results for their team.

Cyber & Geopolitical Risks Spurring Supply Chain Changes & Upgrades

In the latest evidence of the heightened concerns related to geopolitical risk, Biden has cracked down on most Chinese cars and trucks with a rule that software and hardware cannot come from China. There is concern about having millions of cars on the road with a potential threat to national security.

Digitization of the Supply Chain Drives Profitable Growth

According to a McKinsey study, investment in supply chain digitization is slowing down after rapid growth in 2020-2023. On the other hand, the McKinsey Global Supply Chain Leader Survey finds that nine out of 10 respondents continue to experience supply chain challenges. And, according to Reuters, supply chain glitches [...]

So After Investing $1 Million+ in Systems, Why Are We Making Important Decisions from Spreadsheets?

Every CFO seems to wonder why they spend millions on ERP upgrades yet critical decisions seem to boil down to spreadsheets.

Planning & MRP Upgrades to Support Revenue Plans & Proactively Plan Capacity

Fulfilling customer demand successfully is not as easy as it was prior to this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. As supply chain disruptions continue to rage, planners jump through hoops, expedite, and are a bit frazzled trying to support customer requirements while meeting operational objectives, pushing back when needed on sales commitments, and addressing cost concerns.

Using SIOP to Drive Revenue, Margin & Working Capital Predictability & Improvement

As revenues remain volatile, disruptions plague supply chains, and interest rates remain high, executives' ability to build revenue, margin and working capital predictability and improvement takes on an elevated importance.

Taking Advantage of Automation in the Supply Chain

According to the WorldMetrics.org report, 89% of manufacturers believe automation is key to increasing productivity. More importantly to increasing profitable growth, the report also finds that automation reduces manufacturing lead time by 75%.

Inventory Optimization In Full Focus in the Turbulent Economy

If you follow the stock market, you might think the economy is strong. As consumers, we are frustrated with the price of everyday supplies such as food, gas, and housing.

The Economy, Outlook & Strategies for Success

In the last month, we've participated in at least six economic forecast presentations or discussions with experts (economic, banking, investment, manufacturing). Although they each had nuances, common themes emerged. Adding our expertise into the mix, we see volatility on the horizon. 

Why Planning Is Impacted As Disruptions Abound

Disruptions have not stopped. China has been flying balloons over Taiwan. North Korea is threatening South Korea. Russia continues its war with Ukraine. Israel is at war with Hamas [...]

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