

Near-shoring to increase in USA

A recently released study by Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., indicates that 70% of US manufacturing executives expect near-sourcing to increase within the next five years.

2024-11-14T08:41:10-08:00January 30, 2017|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing, Reshoring/ Nearshoring|Tags: , , , |

Trump and Trade

Trump's trade policies impact the global supply chain - explore strategies for adaptation in this article by Lisa Anderson

Study Predicts Near-Sourcing Will Increase

Manufacturers considering insourcing to the U.S. and near-sourcing options to Mexico and other closely located countries because of the Amazon effect -- the need for rapid response to customer needs.

2024-06-15T00:31:33-07:00January 24, 2017|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing, Media, Reshoring/ Nearshoring|Tags: , |

Outsourcing, Insourcing or Near-Sourcing?

Whether outsourcing, insourcing or near-sourcing or a combination of all three, manufacturers need to reassess their strategies to measure risk and ROI.

Leverage Supply Chain Trends for Success

The ability to see supply chain trends and capitalize on them can set you apart from competitors, no matter the size of your company. As the year winds down, it seems an opportune time to discuss supply chain management trends. I find that those clients that pay attention [...]

Outsourcing, In-sourcing, Near-sourcing?

Explore the advantages of outsourcing, insourcing, and nearsourcing to meet strategic goals, control costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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