
process improvement

How to Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Pinpointing success is about re-packaging—literally and figuratively—by connecting the dots in a new way and seeing trends and hidden profit opportunities. Published in "The Business Edge" website, November, 2011 There has never been a better time to cultivate an environment of innovation! We are in what has been referred [...]

Overcoming Obstacles

No matter how much you plan, you’re going to face challenges. But learning to hurdle obstacles effectively will save you valuable time and a lot of grief. As I've yet to run across an executive without obstacles, learning how to effectively deal with them has to be a top [...]

Want to Improve Your Business But Not Sure Where to Start?

Learn how your business stacks up with internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), then take action. Volatility is here to stay! Even though we continue to drudge along in the lackluster recovery, excitement remains - earthquakes, nuclear disasters, global conflicts in Libya, oil prices skyrocketing again, [...]

Lean – Fad or Vehicle to Bottom Line Results?

If you notice and act upon trends, you will succeed. In my 20 years of experience across multiple industries and globally, I've found that a secret to success is identifying trends EARLY in the process and then acting upon them as it makes sense. Lately, I've had a plethora [...]

Business Process Improvement to Drive Bottom Line Results

Business process improvement has almost become a "buzzword" - sounds good but what does it mean? What is really accomplished? Many times, companies create volumes of 1-inch thick binders of best practice processes, and yet achieve no bottom line results. Anyone seen these binders collecting dust on the bookshelf? [...]

2023-09-17T00:56:59-07:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , , , |

Defining and Controlling Costs

Navigating growth gets tricky if you lose perspective on spending. Keep costs under control by identifying the spot where people, process and technology work best. Understanding and controlling costs has always been a critical success factor for the majority of businesses; however, during times of economic turmoil, it elevates [...]


Bedrock - always appropriate. I want to thank my mentor in this topic, Debra Daniels for her expertise – Debra, have I incorporated your wisdom appropriately? Build safety into the culture – most safety programs are pointless as they are considered an outside program (and many times, meetings are [...]

Project Failure: How to Avoid Top Causes

Communication is vital to project management success. Are you looking for different methods to make certain your messages is getting across? Published in "ExecutiveBrief" website, April, 2013 So much of an organization’s success is tied to project success! Can you think of any significant organization initiative or improvement that [...]

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