
production planning

Production Planning Best Practices to Recover Capacity

Every production planner has the challenging job of managing a complex set of conflicting priorities - meeting customer requested ship dates and new product trials, supporting manufacturing and logistics performance objectives, and addressing finance's objectives as it relates to inventory levels and cash flow.

LMA Advocate 2020: Shannon Reininger – Tips for Success

In 2015, we kicked off the LMA Advocate awards to recognize those people who have been instrumental to our growth and success.  We started with 10 people to celebrate the 10 years since we started the business, and we now add one each year. Although I’ve learned plenty along the [...]

Why Planning is at the Crux of Success

There is a LOT you can do this week to improve your integrated planning process.

Which Planning Method is Best?

I cannot tell you how many disagreements I've seen over the years on the optimal planning method.

Slashing Lead Times to Counter the ‘Amazon Effect’

Must you compromise quality for speed? Reducing lead time will increase customer satisfaction and avoid the Amazon Effect. My recent research report on the Amazon effect says that 67% of manufacturers and distributors feel customer service gaps when compared to Amazon-like offerings. One of those key areas is lead [...]

Often Overlooked Value of Production Planning

Developing and maintaining a working production plan is no easy feat, but the best planners make the job seem effortless. Production planning is often overlooked as to its true value. Perhaps it is because it is often delegated to lower-skilled resources? Or perhaps it is because it is in [...]

Master Scheduling Strategies to Add Value

A master schedule is an integral part of your production plan and communications to your team to centralize focus.

A Planning Mindset

Planning is essential for business management, but by really embracing it and getting into a planning mindset you can figure out innovative, improved strategies across all segments of your company. Developing a planning mindset can be invaluable to not only planners but also to any supply chain management employee/ [...]

Best of the 100: The Strongest Link

As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as those essential to delivering bottom line business results. Here are a few highlights from supply chain management: Demand Planning - It starts here. [...]

Production Scheduling

The fun of production scheduling is also the most important aspect, managing competing priorities and variables to find the best overall solution. Production scheduling has been a part of my expertise since my post-college days at Coca-Cola Enterprises. It has been a part of every job I've held (whether directly or indirectly) and a part of almost every project I've consulted on since. Thus, I have a passion for this topic.
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