
Project management

Uncommon Common Sense Project Management

Increasingly, project management is a matter of getting more accomplished in less time. The simplest way to succeed is by using smart and simple approaches. Published in "Project Times" website, October 14, 2014 Click here for original article. Why is everyone searching for the latest and greatest technology and [...]

Is Customer Service Pivotal for Project Success?

Create a work culture where the customer’s needs come first to ensure project management success. In today’s new normal business environment, customer service is pivotal in project management ONLY if you want to ensure success. According to my firm’s recent research report, Amazon Effect, which covered the role of [...]

Innovation is a Must for Project Success

Projects often have a way of going from exciting ideas to abandoned ventures. Successful project management feeds off a culture of innovation to sustain projects all the way to the finish line. In today’s new normal business environment, innovation is a must for project success! Often, I hear my [...]

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Effective project management has become cornerstone to business performance. Although we are largely in a recovery, none of my clients have gone back to the days of having more than the required resources “just in case” yet project demands are ever-increasing as profitable growth is key to success. In [...]

Best of the 100: Systems Pragmatist

Rushing forward without pertinent tools and processes can hinder your business goals. A systems pragmatist will gain traction by strengthening fundamental areas. As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential [...]

Overcoming Project Bottlenecks

Every manager juggles several projects at once, some more troublesome than others. Clearing your path of obstacles is a constant burden but with preparation, calm, creativity, and decisiveness, you can dodge roadblocks that obstruct project success. Published in “Project Times” website, May 20, 2014 Click here for original article. [...]

The 3 C’s to Leadership Success

Leadership is always a priority as results follow effective leaders and project managers. In today's marketplace, service expectations have radically increased due to the effect of customers like Amazon. Customers are demanding more for less on a quicker turnaround than ever before.

The Project Managers Skill Gap

With manufacturers and distributors finding it increasingly difficult to find top talent, bridging the skills gap has become a leading managerial task for success and even survival. According to a recent survey, 87% of manufacturers and distributors cannot find the skills required to successfully run their businesses. These results didn’t surprise [...]

ERP Implementation Stars

Acknowledge your ERP implementation project leaders for their ability to manage multiple moving parts. I've found that successful ERP implementation project leaders are unsung heroes as few executives could or should understand the 1000's of moving parts & critical elements to achieving success. What are a few of these [...]

Simplicity is “In”

Published in "Project Times" website, October 30, 2013 Click here for original article. Volatility is the new norm in today’s new normal business environment. Complexity increases with each day – supply chains are more complex, risk and security issues are prevalent, natural disasters and political strife is commonplace, new [...]

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