

Although Manufacturing Declined, the Smart are Planning for a Renaissance

According to the ISM, "The Manufacturing PMI", a measure of manufacturing activity, registered at 48.5% in June, which is a decline from 48.7% in May.

Red Sea Pharma Crisis Pushing Logistics Advancements: Lisa Anderson Quoted

Companies need to navigate the stormy waters of the Red Sea amid Houthi threats and global supply chain challenges The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has established itself as a critical hub in the global pharmaceutical supply chain, attracting major players like Sanofi, Novartis, and Pfizer. This prominence is due [...]

Lisa Anderson, Supply Chain Expert Highlights Positive Changes for U.S. Manufacturers Through Nearshoring Amid Mexico’s Presidential Election

As Mexico ushers in its first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, and reaffirms its commitment to the "fourth transformation," Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., shares her insights on how this political shift is expected to enhance nearshoring opportunities for U.S. manufacturers.

Succeeding with Regional Manufacturing & Optimizing Supply Chain

The risk of China has increased dramatically over the years. Early on, executives were concerned about intellectual property theft. Although that is still a concern, there are much bigger issues.

FTC Cracking Down on Bogus ‘Made in USA’ Claims

The FTC is cracking down on bogus 'Made in America' claims. Lisa Anderson was quoted in Bloomberg Law on reshoring and near-shoring.

Diversify to Thrive in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

If you are dependent on any region, non-friendly country, customer, supplier, material, or anything noteworthy to your success, you must diversify. Although this concept has always been true, the pandemic highlighted the critical importance. Some companies simply lost their source of supply overnight and have not recovered if not diversified.

Businesses & Manufacturing Are On the Move

According to The California Policy Center, 237 companies have left California since 2005. Most companies cited the expanding regulatory and taxation environment.

Critical Mass Business Talk Show: Supply Chain

Orange County, CA's longest-running business talk show, Critical Mass Business Talk Show’s host Ric Franzi interviewed Lisa Anderson. The show is focused on offering value and insight to middle-market business leaders in the OC and beyond. After Ric and Lisa talked about Lisa’s career, LMA Consulting’s focus, and business tips, they moved on to the end-to-end supply chain. The topics varied from whether reshoring is really occurring to what’s going on in the global supply chain to hot topics to manufacturers and distributors.

Medtech’s Supply Chain: Global Risks Driving Regional Manufacturing

COVID-19 may no longer be a significant public health threat, but the global supply chain remains chock full of risk. The threats are seemingly everywhere these days: The Israel-Hamas war, which is sabotaging trade routes in the Red Sea; extreme drought, which is curtailing shipping in the Panama Canal, and China’s military aggression, which is threatening lawful commerce in the South China Sea.

BBC: Why firms are bringing their manufacturing back home

Lisa Anderson, a supply chain expert and president of California-based LMA Consulting Group, says that the Chips Act "has spurred on certainly quite a bit of investment" in the US electric car sector. And Mexico is also booming through 'friend shoring'. ### Why firms are bringing their manufacturing back home [...]

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