

Supply Chain Shortages & My Interview on FOX Live Now

It is obvious we are having significant supply chain disruptions, and I recently talked with FOX Live Now about these issues. We discussed what caused these shortages, what's going on with the labor shortages, whether it will impact the holiday season, which industries are most impacted, how long [...]

Valve Magazine: Coping with Supply Disruption and Demand Volatility

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., talks about how to cope with the turmoil and its effect on manufacturers, their suppliers and their customers.

ASCM Emerging with Supply Chain Strength: Reshoring & the Resurgence of Manufacturing – Michele Nash-Hoff

Lisa Anderson interviews Michele Nash-Hoff. Listen as they talk about reshoring and the resurgence of manufacturing.

Are Americans Willing to Pay More for Products Made in the U.S.A.?

According to a survey by FTI Consulting, 78% of survey respondents said they'd be willing to pay more for the products if the company that made them moved production out of China. Certainly, it depends on how much more, but we've seen a transition in the commentary of the value of reshoring. [...]

Why the Supply Chain is Strategic & the Backlog of Ships at the Ports

Everyone is talking about the backlog of ships at the ports and when it will be resolved, but is that the right question? NO! Of course we will eventually resolve the current backlog; however, there are continual disruptions in the extended supply chain, and so who knows what disruption will be next. [...]

The Massive Congestion at the SoCal Ports & Implications

There is massive congestion at the L.A. and Long Beach ports. The latest figures from the Journal of Commerce shows 63 container ships in the harbor (34 awaiting berths and 29 at the berths). Terminals are full and dwell times have doubled. The situation isn't good, and manufacturers, distributors [...]

SAP Insights: For Resilient Supply Chains, Think Local

Procter & Gamble, the maker of Charmin toilet paper, was prepared for thousands of scenarios – including earthquakes, fires, and cybersecurity attacks – but not for a disruption greater in magnitude than all three combined: a global pandemic. As COVID-19 spread throughout the United States in March, panicked shoppers snapped up [...]

Insomnicat Media Inc: Getting Your Supply Chain Ready for 2021

Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group, is interviewed on the eeDesignIt podcast about getting your supply chain ready for 2021. After the disruptive year we experienced in 2020, she sheds light on the trends in nearshoring, as well as why digital and great leaders are the answers to a resilient supply chain. [...]

Made In China or Made in the U.S.A.?

Made in China or made in the U.S.A.? There is a lot of talk about this critical, hot topic. Said another way, will reshoring increase? According to executive surveys, according to clients, according to top supply chain consultants, the answer is undoubtedly trending to MADE IN THE U.S.A. A [...]

The Prominence of Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Technology

Although much is in doubt as we go into 2021, there is one area that is certain. Manufacturing, supply chain and technology will be prominent, essential and progressive. According to Bloomberg, an Institute for Supply Management gauge of factory activity unexpectedly increased to 60.7 from 57.5. To support vaccine [...]

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