
resilient supply chain

Building Agility and Resilience for Business in 2024

In this episode of Interlinks, we delve into the heart of navigating through the unpredictable tides of global events and their profound impact on supply chains, discussing the imperative need for agility and resilience.

Top 10 Trends to Shape Cold Food Chain in 2024

Lisa Anderson was quoted in Food Logistics' Top 10 Trends to Shape Cold Food Chain in 2024 recently. With the help of some supply chain visibility, sustainable measures, more focus on people and the ability to pivot at a moment’s notice, 2024 is anyone’s and everyone’s game to succeed. [...]

Forging a Crisis-Proof Supply Chain: The Rise of a More Innovative, More Resilient Industry

Despite all of our hopes for a post-COVID future, in 2022, the world did not return to normal. New disruptions slowed the recovery significantly and inflation created new complications. According to a 2022 report from Interos, supply chain interruptions have cost companies an average of $182 million in lost revenue this year.

Sales Forecasts are Rising Fast. Do You Have Capacity?

Clients are growing quickly. No matter the industry and company size, clients and colleagues are seeing growth. The only question is how quickly and whether they can keep up. Capacity constraints are popping up everywhere. On the logistics front, Southern California has no available space; the ports are backlogged, prices are rising [...]

SAP Insights: For Resilient Supply Chains, Think Local

Procter & Gamble, the maker of Charmin toilet paper, was prepared for thousands of scenarios – including earthquakes, fires, and cybersecurity attacks – but not for a disruption greater in magnitude than all three combined: a global pandemic. As COVID-19 spread throughout the United States in March, panicked shoppers snapped up [...]

Supply Chain Resiliency in a Pandemic World

Once a full list of suppliers has been created, the next step for managing in the pandemic is to prioritize the most important of those on the list. This exercise should be based not so much on the volume driven by a supplier, but rather how critical they are [...]

Coronavirus and Impacts in the Supply Chain

February 17, 2020 I was talking with a Los Angeles Times reporter about the coronavirus a few days ago, and it spurred several thoughts about down-the-line impacts beyond the obvious. According to the Epoch Times, the coronavirus impacts will hit within the next few months. This makes perfect [...]

Do You Have a Resilient Supply Chain?

There is extreme volatility in today’s end-to-end supply chain.  To be successful, you need a resilient supply chain. Are you keeping up with all the changes? 

Walmart & Costco Moving Towards Farmer-to-Shopping Cart Strategies

Explore how vertical integration from farmer-to-shopping cart is reshaping retail giants like Walmart and Costco.

The Resilient Supply Chain: Succeeding in the Amazon Era

Embrace supply chain resilience strategies to thrive in the Amazon era, focusing on rapid delivery and collaborative service.
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