

Supply Chain Disruptions Causing a Constant State of Evolution

In recently talking with the US Glass Network, the constant state of supply chain disruption was in the forefront. In fact, the White House launched a supply chain dashboard to track progress. However, if you are hoping the supply chain will realign on its own anytime soon, unfortunately, it [...]

Today’s Medical Developments: What Will the Supply Chain Look Like in 2022?

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., will talk about the current state of the supply chain, and more importantly, what executives should be doing to survive – and thrive – during these volatile times.

What will supply chains look like in 2022?

Supply chain is dominating the news. Demand is soaring, ports are backed up, container prices are soaring, shipping costs are skyrocketing, warehouses are full, and manufacturers are experiencing extended lead times across the board. The end-to-end supply chain challenges are exacerbated with the great resignation of people. Unfortunately, these issues are not going away anytime soon. [...]

Selecting & Implementing an ERP System

If you don't have a modern ERP system that will support your business growth and changing customer requirements that also supports your ability to scale profitability and with greater levels of automation and predictive analytics, you need an upgraded ERP system YESTERDAY! Just a few years ago, we could [...]

Thriving Post-Pandemic: Turning Data Into Insights

The pandemic has spurred on the need to work smarter, not harder. In our Brushware article, the Digital Transformation Fueled with Business Intelligence, we talk about the critical importance of making meaningful decisions with data. As discussed in the SIOP client success story, data was a key driver of SIOP results. The key was in understanding data, the sources of data, cleansing data [...]

Clients Using SIOP Pulling Ahead of the Competition: SIOP Case Study

In working with clients across multiple industries including industrial equipment, food and beverage, building and construction products and healthcare products, there is no doubt that clients using a SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning) and integrated business planning process are pulling away from the competition.

Schenck: Client Video Success Story SIOP

Lisa Anderson is featured in a client video success story on SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning). SIOP provided better alignment on sales quotation and order flow to improve delivery performance for customers, increased visibility for planning resources, improved operating performance and a better view at upcoming demand to plan for surges and scale successfully.

Peak Season to a Peak Year – When Will Disruptions End?

We are in peak season in a peak year. Capacity is limited across the board. From a supply chain perspective, there is extremely limited availability of containers, chassis, port resources, trucks, warehouses, etc. From a manufacturing perspective, it isn't much better as materials, supplies, people and more are in [...]

Are You Ready for a Resurgence in Manufacturing?

According to a recent National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey, the vast majority (88%) expect sales, production and prices to increase next year despite the supply challenges. In working with clients across multiple industries such as biotech, building and construction products, and food and beverage, there is no doubt [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing Expert and President of LMA Consulting Suggests Supply Chain Accountability Key to Success

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – August  27, 2021 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., suggests that manufacturers and distributors should insist on accountability throughout the organization and extended supply chain. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy [...]

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