

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Presents 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace Executive, Kelly Ford

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – July 27, 2018 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., presented the 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace/Defense executive, Kelly Ford.  "It is a pleasure to recognize Kelly Ford with our 2018 LMA Advocate Award.  We [...]

Is Your Supply Chain Ready for Scalable Growth?

Growth is a hot topic. Regardless of your industry, if your company isn't growing, it is dying. 

Collaboration & Judgment Can Achieve Wonders

Supply chain success can be achieved through effective collaboration and strategic judgment. These insights lead to transformative results.

SIOP: How Far Should You Look into the Future?

SIOP guides strategic forecasting to determine the optimal horizon for planning and future-proofing your supply chain operations.

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