
Skills Gap

Supply Chain Skills

Supply chain professionals with technical and communication skills are in high demand as business booms and complexity grows. I just talked with several recruiters who see significant growth potential in supply chain management jobs. Thus, they have launched a concerted effort at mid-level supply chain management jobs. They were [...]

The Good & Bad of Using Temps, Contractors & Consultants

When facing short-term staffing challenges, supplement your needs with temps, contractors or consultants. To be successful, be clear on the purpose and staff accordingly. I find that almost every one of my clients and prospective clients are growing significantly. One complication of growth is to find, upgrade and keep [...]

What will Motivate Your Team?

A motivated team can overcome some of the biggest business challenges a company can face.presentation in meeting room. According to my Skills Gap research, executive recruiters and HR experts, it is more challenging now than it has been in quite a long time to find and retain top talent.  [...]

New Tools for Sizing Up The Skills Gap

Published in "Association for Manufacturing Excellence", Vol 30, No 4, Winter Issue 2014. Drive a buzz about manufacturing by making these changes within your company. In doing so, your employees become your cheerleaders Eighty-seven percent of manufacturers and distributors are experiencing a skills gap, according to a skills gap [...]

2023-09-15T18:57:04-07:00March 25, 2015|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: |

Retaining your Best & Brightest is Key to a Successful Succession Plan

Published in tED Magazine on December 2014 According to a survey performed by the LMA Consulting Group (lma-consultinggroup.com) in conjunction with the APICS Inland Empire Chapter (apics-ie.org), executives said that succession planning is tied as a No. 1 priority in retaining top talent. This is especially noteworthy when considering [...]

On Pace with Strongest Job Growth in 15 Years – Think about Training

Published December 5, 2014 I read in the Wall Street Journal that the U.S. is on pace for the strongest job growth in 15 years after November's growth of 321,000 jobs. This news doesn't surprise me as my clients are in growth mode. Even though my clients cut back [...]

2023-09-16T13:20:03-07:00December 5, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Are You Thankful for Your Employees?

The best companies thrive because their employees are valued members of the company – everyone’s labor matters and they know it. Are you thankful for your employees? And do you see your employees as a cost line of your P&L or do you consider them an asset? In my [...]

2023-09-17T00:20:25-07:00November 27, 2014|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Essential Skills of the Supply Chain Superhero

Surviving and flourishing in today’s business environment increasingly demands more of the supply chain professional, including excelling at soft and technical skills. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of U.S. workers are not engaged. What a startling statistic! Through observation of clients, trade association members, and colleagues, I'd [...]

Leverage Supply Chain Trends for Success

The ability to see supply chain trends and capitalize on them can set you apart from competitors, no matter the size of your company. As the year winds down, it seems an opportune time to discuss supply chain management trends. I find that those clients that pay attention [...]

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