

Resiliency to Thrive During Inflationary & Volatile Times

According to the Wall Street Journal, consumer prices are the highest in 40 years. It certainly doesn’t seem to be letting up. In fact, with the Russia-Ukraine war, there will be continued inflationary pressures on products related to oil, gas, commodity, and food at a minimum.

Proactively Addressing Global Events to Grow Market Share & Ensure Seamless Customer Service Using S&OP

We have gone global and live in an interconnected world, therefore events around the world disrupt the global supply chain and impact local customers. Whether its the shutdowns in Shanghai due to the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, concerns about port delays due to the upcoming union negotiations at the [...]

Navigating Current Global Business Challenges with SIOP & Demand Volatility

Lisa Anderson was interviewed by Lucie Newcomb for the podcast series “Staying Global While Staying Home”. They addressed the topic of the state of the global supply chain and strategies to successfully navigate with Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP / SIOP) with an emphasis on getting a handle on demand volatility. [...]

Lost Revenue Due to Lack of Resources: How to Attract People to Your Company

According to Interos, almost 90% of companies experienced a negative impact to revenue due to supply chain disruption. That is a BIG number! From our point-of-view, every client is complaining about the lack of critical resources required to support the business and has experienced negative impacts to revenue (even if only in terms of a delay to revenue recognition).

What Is S&OP (also known as SIOP) & Why Should We Care?

We are thrilled to introduce our S&OP webpage with everything you need to know about Sales and Operations Planning (also known as SIOP, Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning or IBP, Integrated Business Planning). You'll find sections: What is S&OP? How do you benefit from SIOP? Why implement SIOP? Client [...]

Proactive Planning to Grow & Scale

According to FactSet Insight, revenue growth is predicted at 7.5% for 2022 which is substantial when considering it is following record-breaking growth in 2021. Clients and colleagues are seeing record increases in sales revenues and pricing.

Q&A: Why Implement S&OP / SIOP?

Are you concerned about inflationary pressures? Implementing a SIOP process will provide quick access to changing sales volumes and prices as well as manufacturing and supply chain requirements and costs so that you can make directionally correct informed decisions to mitigate inflationary pressures. For example, you could buy ahead [...]

2024-06-05T20:18:28-07:00April 8, 2022|Categories: SIOP / S&OP|Tags: , |

Interview with Industrial Insights on How SIOP Can Address Business Volatility

Volatility started with the pandemic and has been exacerbated by weather disruptions such as the Texas storms, labor shortages throughout the world, accidents such as the ship that got stuck in the Suez canal, and wars such as the Russia-Ukraine war. The bottom line is that demand volatility is [...]

2025-02-03T10:12:44-08:00April 6, 2022|Categories: I've Been Thinking, SIOP / S&OP|Tags: , , , , |

What is SIOP? (7 Strategies for CEOs)

"SIOP" stands for Sales, Inventory, Operations Planning (SIOP). Depending on the industry or organization, you may also hear it referred to as “S&OP” or Sales and Operations Planning. Sometimes, it is even referred to as “IBP” or Integrated Business Planning. Typically, they mean the same thing. The most important words to emphasize are planning and alignment.

Cleansing, Connecting & Consolidating Data to Support SIOP / S&OP and a Superior Customer Experience

One issue of significant importance during the current volatile times that was also key during previous periods (aggressive growth prior to the pandemic, the downturn of the Great Recession, etc.) is the critical importance of providing a superior customer experience. It is evergreen for companies that want to grow [...]

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