

Why Does the Strategic Supply Chain Matter?

Why does the strategic supply chain matter? This is the topic of a recent collaboration with a global group of top supply chain consultants. We wrote an eBook available for free download (and is available for purchase on Amazon), "Thriving in the New Business Environment: Why The Strategic Supply [...]

Immediate Strategy to Thrive in Supply Chain During the Pandemic

Do you want to be Amazon or Sears? Sears used to be the Amazon of its time, but they failed to change with the times. There is little life left in this former powerhouse of retail. On the other hand, Amazon continues to evolve and is clearly doing quite [...]

Supply Chain Strategy: Modernization tips from Lisa Anderson

For business leaders looking to modernize their supply chain, the technology investment is the easy part: Evaluate solutions, calculate the ROI, make your business case, and take delivery. Sure, it can be tricky to get sign off on these tech investments, but it’s a business problem with a logical [...]

ERP Selection: Why It Has Become a Strategic Priority

In today’s Amazonian environment, customers expect rapid delivery, over and beyond from cradle to grave, collaborative service, 24/7 accessibility and last-minute changes. Executives are realizing they must upgrade their technology infrastructure to meet and exceed these customer expectations while driving bottom line improvement.

Global Consultants & The Value of Diversity

It is easy for us to become comfortable with people like us and not seek out diverse, sometimes scary opinions from others. Although I see great value in the global nature of my group, it isn't because I focus on having a global practice.
2024-06-04T23:33:06-07:00November 27, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Hawaii and Strategic Thinking

I met my global consulting group in Hawaii to talk strategy.  Have you thought about where you are going lately?  More importantly, have you thought about why you are going there?  It is quite easy to get caught up in doing whatever you set out to do a year [...]

Boston & Expanding Your Thinking

Have you thought about how to expand your thinking?  A first good step would be to take a step back and think about ways to expand your thinking.  It is quite easy to get stuck inside your current reality. 
2023-12-26T16:19:54-08:00April 23, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |
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