

Considerations to Evaluate Your Business Model

Most of us are so busy on a daily basis we don't have time to think about our business models.  It is the rare client that questions their business model let alone continually modifies it for success.  Do you question your business model on a yearly basis?
2024-01-03T19:10:23-08:00January 4, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , , |

The Value of Strategy Discussions in Fiji

I just wrapped up strategy discussions with my global, growth-focused group (of top-notch consultants) in Fiji.  Since we are a group spanning multiple countries from the U.S. to Australia and Japan, we meet in interesting locations throughout the Pacific Rim and western North America. 
2024-01-31T20:35:54-08:00November 11, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

IBM, MIT & Artificial Intelligence

AI is on the rise. How is it affecting industries, what are the potential benefits? What questions should you consider to prepare for the future?

Why Executives Should Care About ERP Strategy

Lately, we've been called into several clients with ERP challenges that directly impact business growth and success.  Do you desire profitable growth?  If so, add ERP into your strategic discussions. Would you delegate a decision that could literally "make or break" your customer service, profit margins (or lack thereof) and ability to grow?  I think not! 
2024-02-27T22:44:36-08:00September 7, 2017|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , , |

Getting Out of the Weeds to See the Forest

Lately, I've been working with several clients who are interested in "getting out of the weeds" so that they can see the forest. Seeing the bigger picture isn't a solo activity.  Collaborate with your peers, employees, managers, customers, suppliers, and trusted advisers where appropriate.
2024-03-08T16:39:56-08:00August 2, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

The Eagles and Apprenticeships

Are you thinking about apprenticeships?  It doesn't have to be as dramatic as an untimely death; there are many reasons you should be thinking many years down-the-line with your apprenticeship programs.

The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy

Effective supply chain strategic planning secures a competitive edge, ensuring efficiency, adaptability, and market leadership.
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