

Why It’s Important to Take Time to Think

November 23, 2015 I was in Hawaii the last few days for a strategy session.  It was great to have dedicated time to think through strategy, brainstorm and improve upon it with colleagues, etc. Although this photo isn't the typical beach scene from Hawaii, I thought it was a [...]

2023-09-17T00:45:08-07:00November 23, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

The Value of Thinking about the Future instead of the Past

November 2, 2015 I was just talking with a manufacturing client on the topic of SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning). In their case, they have an incredibly stable business - it is the most predictable business I've ever run across in terms of sales forecasts. Even though the numbers [...]

An IT Roadmap

Creating an IT roadmap shouldn’t be all about the bells and whistles of the system, but rather on the technology that supports the strategy and business objectives. Ever heard about 1's and 0's as it relates to computers? That level of detail is often what I see with systems. [...]

Why Strategic Planning is an Oxymoron

Strategic planning has long been hailed the business cornerstone for projecting profit and growth. Oftentimes, the strategy, “what”, gets mixed up with the tactics, or the “how”, which leads to failure. Although almost everyone uses the term strategic planning, it doesn't make sense. Setting strategy is a clear; however, [...]

2023-09-17T05:14:32-07:00September 3, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , , , , |

Do Your Executives Have Vision?

Develop your business vision with an eagle eye to see further out into the future creating clarity and purpose for your company. In thinking about an eagle's eye (in concert with my Eagle Eye service line), it comes to mind that vision is a key contributor to success. An [...]

Strategies to Keep Your project On-Track of Manufacturers and Distributors

The most successful projects are well-managed and kept on track. A strong plan and focus-oriented strategies will keep the team motivated and on task. Published in "Project Times" website, August 21, 2015 Click here for original article. As easy as it seems to keep a well-planned project on-track, it [...]

The Transfer of Ontario Airport & The Challenge Bridging Strategy & Execution

August 10, 2015 Many of my Inland Empire colleagues and trusted advisors have been supporting the transfer of ownership of the Ontario airport back to the city of Ontario (from LAX airport) for YEARS. It was a big surprise last week when the Los Angeles Times reported breaking news [...]

Why Looking at Return on Investment (ROI) is So Much Better than Cost

How many times have you heard about managing cost (or saving money) in the past week? I bet quite a few as almost all companies focus significant efforts on cost. In all functions and certainly if you are in or responsible for Operations, a large portion of your responsibility [...]

Cross Supply Chain Opportunities

Look beyond your immediate customers to their customers, and so on, for cross-supply chain opportunities that could spell win-win-win for all I find that cross-functional teams can be some of the most valuable teams that generate winning ideas. By taking a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and [...]

Why We Shouldn’t Shy Away from Risk

Published January 30, 2015 I always look for trends as I find that the 80/20 of success comes from watching and proactively addressing trends. This week, it has been obvious that if we are NOT willing to take prudent risk, things are likely to go awry. For example, if [...]

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