
Supply Chain Chats

Demand Planning for Custom Manufacturing

How do you plan for demand when every order is custom? In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson sits down with Diane Garcia, LMA Senior Associate, to break down Demand Planning for Custom Manufacturing.

Navigating China: Business, Manufacturing & Risk in Today’s Global Economy

Is China still a viable place for manufacturing and business? In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson sits down with John Tulac, International Business Attorney, to discuss the realities of doing business in China.

Manufacturing Trends, Election Impacts & Supply Chain Strategies

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts from the lead up to the election and how the heightened risk levels in the supply chain will lead to a manufacturing renaissance. Manufacturers have been experiencing weaker sales backlogs with customers pushing out orders.

The State of Business, Supply Chain and Opportunities

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about the state of business, the economy, and supply chain, what it means and how to take advantage of the opportunities that will come down the pike.She talks in detail about inflation, recession, the impacts of interest rates and the labor force and what the successful companies are doing differently to succeed.

Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions – Inflation, Recession, Volatility, Opportunity?

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts of supply chain disruptions and global unrest on inflation, recession, volatility, and opportunity. She uses the price of plastic as an example of the continuing impact from the Russia-Ukraine war and discusses China’s Zero-COVID policies impact on inflation and recession.

Why Manufacturing Drives Resiliency

The world has all sorts of complications and challenges going on simultaneously: The Russia-Ukraine war is heating up, driving a severe energy shortage in Europe as Russia turned off the gas pipeline. The China-Taiwan tensions continue to gain steam with advanced computer chips at the crux of the conflict. The baby formula challenges carry on with flights [...]

Inflation, Supply Chain Disruption, Fertilizer + Rail

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts of inflation and supply chain disruption in the global supply chain. She uses fertilizer as an example and talks through how inflation and supply chain disruptions are interrelated and walks through the increase in the price of oil and gas to China’s decision to stop exporting to the Russia-Ukraine war and the potential rail strike. [...]

Southern California CEO: Introduces Supply Chain Chats

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group has introduced Supply Chain Chats, a video and interview series that will provide insights, ideas and innovation to address current supply chain issues.

2024-06-08T18:04:01-07:00July 10, 2022|Categories: In The News|Tags: , , |

Impacts of China & Taiwan on the Global Supply Chain

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts on the global supply chain from the Shanghai lockdown and China’s threats to Taiwan. She discusses how the Shanghai lockdown impacted the ports for a few months, creating stockpiles of container ships waiting [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing and SIOP Expert and President of LMA Consulting Introduces Supply Chain Chats™

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – June 22, 2022 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., has introduced Supply Chain Chats, a video and interview series that will provide insights, ideas and innovations to address current supply chain issues. LMA Consulting Group [...]

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