
supply chain consultant

How Do You Rate in Supply Chain?

Clients typically set goals; however, goals without an understanding of where you stand is non-value added. Although it is common to set goals and expect employees to achieve them, it is far less common for clients to understand how they will get from the current state to the desired future state.

Master Scheduling & Production Planning Case Study: Gaining Visibility for Results

Although production and materials planning can be overlooked in its importance in most companies if going smoothly, it is cornerstone to success.

Manufacturing Matters – Unraveling the Supply Chain with Lisa Anderson

There’s no such thing as normal, even though supply chains have COVID-19 in the rearview mirror. While suppliers may be more consistent, customer expectations have changed. Listen to this on-demand webinar, presented by Lisa Anderson, founder and president of LMA Consulting Group - to learn the latest about supply chains as we head into 2024.

Supply Chain Automation is Changing the Landscape

Automation is coming, whether or not we get on board. Most executives do not want to be the guinea pig for new technology as they cannot afford disruption and risk.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Emphasizes Urgent Need for Supply Chain Optimization Amidst Ongoing Global Disruptions

Lisa Anderson emphasizes the critical necessity of prioritizing supply chain optimization as global disruptions continue. Key issues, such as the worsening conditions at the Panama Canal, have been highlighted as significant contributors to the ongoing supply chain crisis.

Where Is Your Supply Chain Talent?

No client has enough high-skilled talent. In fact, it is the single largest issue facing executives. The skills gap is severe for high-skilled roles. Yet any company that wants to succeed is automating, digitizing, and utilizing advanced technologies such as robotics, additive manufacturing, and predictive analytics.

Supply Chain Resilience Has Risen to the Top with the White House Council

The White House has launched a cabinet-level supply chain council as the criticality of the topic rises to the top.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Highlights Proactive Backlog Management as a Keystone for Elevating Customer Service in Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 20, 2023 –  In a business landscape characterized by unprecedented business volatility, maintaining stellar customer service emerges as a critical differentiator for companies navigating the ebbs and flows of the current market. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD and President of [...]

How Simple Metrics Will Drive Results

Simple metrics drive results. Whether a food and beverage manufacturer or an aerospace distributor, measuring the "right" metrics will focus attention on key issues and drive results.

How Central Asia Acts as the Asia Pacific Weapons Silk Road

China is Israel’s number two trading partner, and so there will be a significant impact to that trading relationship during the war. There will be disruptions due to labor shortages as business workers are called up as army reservists, and as disruptions occur due to the war.
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