
supply chain disruptions

Novigo Supply Chain Expert Series

Supply Chain Series - Lisa Anderson Supply Chain Expert Series featuring Lisa Anderson - Founder and President, LMA Consulting Group, shares her insights on what is impacting supply chains today and how supply chain leaders can future-proof their supply chains.

What Are Clients Experiencing in Today’s Business Environment?

Our clients continue to experience an unprecedented level of volatility and complexity. The common themes include: Continued supply chain disruptions: From computer chips to commodities to everyday components/ materials, clients continue to experience shortages and/or extended lead times. Continued challenges in finding people: Whether you are looking for a [...]

Impacts of China & Taiwan on the Global Supply Chain

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts on the global supply chain from the Shanghai lockdown and China’s threats to Taiwan. She discusses how the Shanghai lockdown impacted the ports for a few months, creating stockpiles of container ships waiting [...]

Manufacturers are Remaining Positive Amidst Chaos

According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 82% of manufacturers remain at least somewhat positive about their company's outlook. This statistic is especially interesting since 59% thought continued inflation would make a recession more likely in the next 12 months. Perhaps manufacturing should be even more positive as [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing and SIOP Expert and President of LMA Consulting Introduces Supply Chain Chats™

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – June 22, 2022 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., has introduced Supply Chain Chats, a video and interview series that will provide insights, ideas and innovations to address current supply chain issues. LMA Consulting Group [...]

Impact of Russia/Ukraine War on Global Supply Chain

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts on the global supply chain from the Russia-Ukraine war and the infant formula crisis. She discusses a client challenge related to the availability and pricing of nickel stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war and how the client proactively addressed the issue.

State of Supply Chain

The successful companies will not only strive to be the strongest link in your supply chain, but they will ensure that the weakest link doesn't send their customers to the competition. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure your position as a market leader and thrive for years to come, if you choose to take advantage of the opportunity and start to act NOW.

Supply Chain Disruptions Impacting Baby Formula Availability

The latest in a long series of supply chain disruptions has impacted the baby formula industry. 40-50% of the shelves across the U.S. are out of stock for this critical item!

Supply Chain Disruptions Have Become an Excuse

The issue is if we are running hand to mouth, any disruption can create chaos. Clearly, the pandemic created chaos upfront, but it has now become an excuse. It is quite clear that the global supply chain is out of alignment and will not magically realign itself. There are [...]

Shanghai Lockdown

Shanghai has been locked down for around 6 weeks already. It is resulting in a significant bottleneck of container ships sitting outside Shanghai.
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