
supply chain risk

Tweaks to NAFTA & CEO Input

Take a look at your supply chain.  How are you likely to be affected by changes to NAFTA?  What risks should you account for?

What are Executives Looking for in Supply Chain Professionals?

What are executives looking for in supply chain professionals?  That was the topic of the panel I participated on at the Drucker Supply Chain Forum with executives from the Walt Disney Company, Source Intelligence, Intelligent Audit and CSCMP.   So, what is the consensus?

Risk in Global Supply Chains is on the Rise

According to the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) risk index, risk is the highest since 2013. It is easy to become complacent. Are you adding risk into your supply chain conversations and plans?

Will Supply Chain Risk Surprise You?

Supply chain risks abound! Just look at the recent bankruptcy of Hanjin. It created havoc in the global supply chain. Ships were virtually stranded on the water. No one knew how they'd get paid. Customers still needed the product. And so the results were scary. Have you thought about [...]

Outsourcing, Insourcing or Near-Sourcing?

Whether outsourcing, insourcing or near-sourcing or a combination of all three, manufacturers need to reassess their strategies to measure risk and ROI.

Hot Topics in Supply Chain Management?

Empower your operation by arming yourself with knowledge of supply chain trends. See the top four I learned from the APICS International Conference..

Will Your Supply Chain Risk Surprise You?

What happens when you have a break in your supply chain? Do you have contingency plans in place to mitigate business interruption?

Mother Nature Adds to Supply Chain Risk

California wildfires have the potential to disrupt the flow of US commerce. A report from the Wall Street Journal quoting Lisa Anderson. California wildfires have the potential to disrupt the flow of US commerce. A report from the Wall Street Journal quoting Lisa Anderson.</div>Supply chain risk has increased exponentially [...]

California Reopens Some Commercial Routes as Wildfire Rages

Commercial operators were scrambling to keep goods moving as a massive wildfire east of Los Angeles shut down one of the nation’s major freight corridors.

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