
supply chain

Case Study: Strategies to Successfully Navigate Inflation

As originally published in Brushware Magazine on Sept/ Oct 2022. Inflation continues to plague the world with escalating prices across a spectrum of products and services. The price of oil and gas has continued to rise and supply chain challenges persist, creating inflationary pressures across the board. Even though [...]

Short term vs the long term: Navigating Turbulent Times

As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.

NESCON: Managing Capacity in a Complex & Volatile Long-Lead Environment

Lisa Anderson facilitated a panel discussion at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition on managing capacity in complex and volatile environments with Shari Ruelas General Manager of Commercial Products Chevron, Alejandro Bustamante Senior Advisor to CEO & Board of Directors of Poly/HP, and Dan Raatjes SVP & COO King's Hawaiian Holding Co.

Current Status & Opportunities in the Global Supply Chain

I am co-Executive Director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and during our Annual Meeting, I facilitated a panel about the state of supply chain.

Gaining a Logistics Edge with Inventory Management

Logistics costs have been staggering. According to the 33rd Annual State of Logistics report produced by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals by the global consulting firm Kearney and presented by Penske Logistics, U.S. business logistics costs rose by 22.4% last year.

The State of Affairs in Package Shipping

To prepare for a segment on Bloomberg to talk about the state of logistics that will air with their interview of Deutsche Post DHL Group CFO Melanie Kreis (which will air on Chief Future Officer on Oct 5th), I did a deep dive on package shipping and related logistics systems.

NPR.org: A Deal to Avert A Rail Strike Is On Track But It Won’t Fix U.S. Supply Chain Issues

"Unfortunately, I just don't see anything in the next year or two that's going to lessen the number of disruptions," says Lisa Anderson, a supply chain expert and president of California-based LMA Consulting Group.

Geoff Michalak – Integrated Business Planning Manager, Armacell LLC

The LMA Experience: Geoff Michalak, Integrated Business Planning Manager, Armacell LLC discusses their experience with LMA Consulting.

Using ERP & Related Technologies to Automate, Digitize & Thrive

Manufacturers utilize less than 20% of the full functionality of their ERP systems. But the key question is, why does it matter? In today’s inflationary and supply chain disrupted business environment, manufacturers need to automate and digitize to ‘do more with less’ and thrive during these volatile times. One important way to achieve this goal is to further leverage your ERP system where it will make a difference.

NewsNation WGN Interview with Lisa Anderson about Supply Chain Disruptions

NewsNation WGN interviewed Lisa Anderson about the supply chain issues that have plagued the west coast ports and that are now showing up as backups on the east and gulf coasts as well. We discussed why this is happening and what can be done.

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