
supply chain

9 Big Ideas from Women in Supply Chain Leadership

The landscape for supply chain leaders is getting more complex each year – and that’s before taking into account the current global pandemic. We’re facing unprecedented challenges, and there are no easy answers.  Thankfully, despite growing headwinds and current conditions, there is no shortage of industry voices with insights, [...]

When will hand sanitizer return to store shelves?

For weeks, there’s been a gap on store shelves in the place plastic bottles of hand sanitizer once sat. Since late March, it’s been a dust farm as coronavirus-fueled demand exploded in a personal hygiene revolution the industry couldn’t match. Now it’s May, the virus is still here and [...]

Washington Manufacturing Alert: Manufacturing Experts Assess What Will Be Different After COVID-19

At the moment, Covid-19 is the dominant factor of influence of virtually every aspect of business. But what happens when that moment has passed? Will the changes for manufacturing be permanent and if so what will they be? We asked some manufacturing experts, and here are their thoughts: Manufacturing [...]

2024-02-15T21:11:51-08:00May 4, 2020|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing|Tags: , , , |

What’s Happening in Manufacturing & the Supply Chain: Economic Impact of COVID-19 LMA Consulting

Demand & Supply Are Out of Whack!

Demand and supply are out of whack to say the least. Manufacturers that supply toilet paper, food, healthcare products and other essential goods are seeing a surge in demand whereas those that don't are seeing demand plummet. China was under lock down previously (causing a delay in the [...]

The Intersection of Supply Chain and Human Behavior

I talked with the Direct Relief about the global supply chain during the pandemic. We discussed the issues of hoarding, the impacts on the global supply chain and what could be done to realign the supply chain so that consumers had what they needed where they needed it when [...]

Doing Business with China – Lisa Anderson, LMA & John Tulac JD

The Future of Manufacturing in the United States

Companies across the nation are predicting a significant shift from offshoring to near-shoring following the COVID-19 pandemic. Will companies shift their strategies toward Mexico? How will others adapt? Specifically, what does this mean for the electronics industry going forward? Join some of the forward thinkers in the electronics [...]

What’s the Best Way to Implement ERP Software?

ERP Implementation: Know the Plan, Process, Budgeting, Training and More The implementation of ERP requires more planning and budgeting than a wedding. Just like marriage, without proper preparation and planning, it often ends in failure. Whether you’re an ERP software veteran upgrading your current system or a newcomer, it’s no question [...]

The Digital Transformation

I’ll be talking more and more about the digital transformation as it will impact every client in a substantial way. Recently I met with a significant, regional CPA firm’s manufacturing and technology experts.

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