

Manufacturing & Distribution Employers Increasingly Rely on External Professional Development Programs to Bridge Skills Gap

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group and a supply chain management expert who helps manufacturers and distributors elevate business performance with increased margins, cash flow and customer service performance, in conjunction with the APICS – Inland Empire chapter, conducted a skills gap survey honing in on how manufacturers [...]

2024-06-16T18:44:16-07:00January 8, 2014|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Virtual Teams a “Must” in New Normal

Advances in telecommunications have created a new normal business environment that allows collaboration across functions, sites, organizations, and oceans—and continually raises customer expectations. Are you ready for 2014? Managing traditional supply chain teams will no longer be enough! Instead, in order to thrive in the new normal business environment, [...]

Majority of Manufacturers Struggle to Find Qualified Candidates to Fill Open Positions in Latest Skill Gap Survey

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, in conjunction with the APICS – Inland Empire chapter, conducted a skills gap survey which asked hiring managers and human resources professionals about recruiting and employment trends in manufacturing and distribution.  Results show that 77% of manufacturers and distributors are facing challenges [...]

2024-06-16T18:43:14-07:00December 10, 2013|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Survey – The Skills Gap Issue

Many manufacturers and distributors are faced with bridging the skills gap in current employees and new hires. I recently partnered with the APICS (the leading association for supply chain and operations management) Inland Empire chapter to complete a survey on skill gaps as it is becoming a critical topic [...]

Leverage as a Multiplier

Excellent leverage opportunities are easy to overlook, and a powerful advantage for those who look for them. If you had the opportunity to make $1,000,000 with 100 hours of work or 10,000 hours of work, which would you choose?  It sounds like a no-brainer; however, if that’s true, why [...]

Retaining Top Talent – a Must for Success

Perception is reality and underappreciated employees move onto other opportunities. Retaining top talent should always be a priority; however, in today's market, losing even one top player can make the difference between success and failure. Since the recession, employers have expected employees to be generalists. In essence, employees at [...]

2023-09-16T19:02:17-07:00October 30, 2013|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Is Talent Important to You?

Do you know how to attract and retain the best employees? I have always believed that people are #1 to success. Without people, there is no business. I hear executives use these words; however, later they talk about people as costs. Which message do you think is taken away? [...]

2023-09-16T23:13:36-07:00July 15, 2013|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

How to Effectively Engage Employees and Achieve Results

Great leaders know how to engage and empower employees to thrive in the new normal business economy. In my recent conversations with clients and business contacts, a common concern has emerged: How to leverage the recovery to grow the business and increase profitability. There is considerable uncertainty surrounding how [...]

How to Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Pinpointing success is about re-packaging—literally and figuratively—by connecting the dots in a new way and seeing trends and hidden profit opportunities. Published in "The Business Edge" website, November, 2011 There has never been a better time to cultivate an environment of innovation! We are in what has been referred [...]

Hiring: How to Avoid a Fatal Flaw

As I'm preparing to give a speech at the APICS (Association of Operations Management) International Conference in Las Vegas on “Innovation for Supply Chain Success”, it occurred to me that one of the reasons for failure with innovation is due to a fatal flaw in hiring. In my experience [...]

2023-09-18T18:59:49-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: |
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