

The Pope & Visionary Leaders

September 21, 2015 As the pope heads to the U.S. for the first time, there will be significant buzz and conversation. Pope Francis is certainly making a splash with almost every move. From what I see, non-Catholics and Catholics alike are interested in what he'll do next - and [...]

2020-10-02T21:53:57-07:00September 21, 2015|Categories: I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , |

The Good & Bad of Using Temps, Contractors & Consultants

When facing short-term staffing challenges, supplement your needs with temps, contractors or consultants. To be successful, be clear on the purpose and staff accordingly. I find that almost every one of my clients and prospective clients are growing significantly. One complication of growth is to find, upgrade and keep [...]

The Power of Communication

Make improving communications the cornerstone of your goals and you will have more engaged participants willing to help you achieve the rest of your goals. If there is one thing that ALL of my clients have in common, it is that communication always needs improvement. It almost seems like [...]

2023-09-15T17:44:09-07:00September 3, 2015|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Do Your Executives Have Vision?

Develop your business vision with an eagle eye to see further out into the future creating clarity and purpose for your company. In thinking about an eagle's eye (in concert with my Eagle Eye service line), it comes to mind that vision is a key contributor to success. An [...]

The People Element

Locate your best employees, particularly in leadership positions, and invest in them for continued success. I find that the best process will fail with the wrong people. The best system will not drive results if the wrong people are involved. Yet if exceptional people are involved, even the most [...]

It’s Not What You Know; It’s Who You Know

As I was debating about what to write about this week, two colleagues walked into my client's office for help in resolving an issue. Upon leaving, one said "It's not what you know; it's who you know". I thought this phrase rang true. Clearly, you have to be competent. [...]

Project Leadership Remains #1 Key to Success

Whether a project is successful or not will depend on many variables but none plays a larger role than leadership. Published in "Project Times" website, July 28, 2015 Click here for original article. In thinking about the hundreds of client projects I’ve completed over the last ten years, if [...]

The Power of Customer Service

July 10, 2015 I've seen a few examples of the power of customer service this week, and it propelled me to write on what a huge impact it can have. For example, I participated in 3 full days of ERP demonstrations in order to provide expertise on which software [...]

A Tribute to a Top Salesman

Certainly, Sales is at the heart of any organization. Without growth, a company will eventually decline and wither away. Thus, having top notch sales people is cornerstone to success. Of course I advocate thinking of all your employees like salespeople as they represent the company and can make a [...]

It Begins and Ends with People

The best businesses see their employees as assets and treat them like partners.I constantly go back to what my HR mentor (Debra Daniels) used to say, “It begins and ends with people.” She was right! Earlier today, I went to lunch with 3 trusted advisors who work with the [...]

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