

Hot Topics in 2023 – Sustainability, Skills, and Automation

In this episode of Interlinks, I'm joined again by my colleagues from the supply chain special interest group of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC) to discuss some of the big issues facing businesses in 2023, namely sustainability, talent, and automation.

Take Control of Your Manufacturing to Wrestle Volatility to the Ground

What is clear is that VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) is continuing in the forefront and will continue to be our "new normal". As I recently debated with the Wall Street Journal, we are in an era of non-stop disruptions. Look no further than the escalating war of Russia [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & SIOP Expert and President of LMA Consulting Says Supply Chains Will NEVER Be Normal

The Wall Street Journal recently issued an article about how supply chains upended by COVID are back to normal. “There is no such thing as normal, despite the fact that supply chains are looking at COVID in the rearview mirror. While suppliers may be more consistent at the moment, customer expectations have changed.

Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions – Inflation, Recession, Volatility, Opportunity?

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts of supply chain disruptions and global unrest on inflation, recession, volatility, and opportunity. She uses the price of plastic as an example of the continuing impact from the Russia-Ukraine war and discusses China’s Zero-COVID policies impact on inflation and recession.

Proactive Strategies to Get Ahead of the Non-Stop Supply Chain Disruptions

Companies must develop proactive and clear strategies that help them stay ahead of the ever-changing disruptions within the supply chain.

West Coast Ports Diminishing Volume

According to the The Journal of Commerce, the West Coast ports are losing volume. The West Coast share of imports coming from Asia is down from 61.1% in 2021 to 58.8% in 2022 while the East Coast and Gulf Coast ports rose. According to the JOC, the ILWU contract negotiations are causing this change although there are concerns about drayage and rail as well.

Supply Chain Disruption Has Become an Excuse: Only the Proactive Will Thrive in 2024

Supply chain has become an excuse. Although there has certainly been a slew of supply chain challenges that carry on with baby formula shortages, rail backlogs, computer chip issues, hurricane induced delays, fertilizer scarcity, and China’s zero-COVID policy delays, supply chain should no longer be the excuse. Only the [...]

Reshaping the Future of Supply Chains

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Wars. Communist threats. Rail strikes barely averted. A severe oil and gas crisis. Inflation soaring. Interest rates rising. Severe weather and stranded passengers. Shortage of baby’s Motrin. What else?!

Are You Rethinking Your Supply Chain Strategy?

Should you be rethinking your supply chain strategy? Absolutely! There is so much volatility going on in the world that you must reevaluate your supply chain.

NESCON: Managing Capacity in a Complex & Volatile Long-Lead Environment

Lisa Anderson facilitated a panel discussion at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition on managing capacity in complex and volatile environments with Shari Ruelas General Manager of Commercial Products Chevron, Alejandro Bustamante Senior Advisor to CEO & Board of Directors of Poly/HP, and Dan Raatjes SVP & COO King's Hawaiian Holding Co.

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