

Wisconsin Provides HUGE Incentives to Lure Apple Manufacturer

What might seem impossible to us might not be!  Do you tend to write off ideas before considering their full value?  Perhaps we should take a page from Wisconsin's playbook and look at the big picture, think long-term and mix it up a bit. 

World Logistics Center & the Sheer Relevance of Logistics

The World Logistics Center impacts the global economy and has a role in reshaping logistics and supply chain dynamics.

Tweaks to NAFTA & CEO Input

Take a look at your supply chain.  How are you likely to be affected by changes to NAFTA?  What risks should you account for?

Trump and Trade

Trump's trade policies impact the global supply chain - explore strategies for adaptation in this article by Lisa Anderson

TPP is Dead ….How Will it Affect Our Ports?

Are you prepared to leverage additional technology to remain competitive?

Finding Efficiency

Published in Global Trade Magazine on Dec. 14th, 2015 Identifying best practices for company types and cultures is key, according to Lisa Anderson, say Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group, Claremont, CA. "Collaboration with customers and suppliers is typically a best practice that can help reduce inventory levels," [...]

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