

What Are Clients Experiencing in Today’s Business Environment?

Our clients continue to experience an unprecedented level of volatility and complexity. The common themes include: Continued supply chain disruptions: From computer chips to commodities to everyday components/ materials, clients continue to experience shortages and/or extended lead times. Continued challenges in finding people: Whether you are looking for a [...]

Inflation, Deflation, What to Do in the Supply Chain?

There is no doubt we are struggling with volatility in the supply chain. Inflation is the hot topic on one hand with rising prices, difficulty in finding people, wage inflation and much more.

Supply Chain Collaboration & VMI to Get Ahead of Economic Challenges

Manufacturers are experiencing continued inflationary pressures threatening customer service and profit margins with record-breaking price increases and lack of material availability.  To add fuel to the fire, they are also starting to worry about preparing for a potential recession.

Resiliency to Thrive During Inflationary & Volatile Times

According to the Wall Street Journal, consumer prices are the highest in 40 years. It certainly doesn’t seem to be letting up. In fact, with the Russia-Ukraine war, there will be continued inflationary pressures on products related to oil, gas, commodity, and food at a minimum.

ERP & Related Technology to Manage High Complexity with High OTIF Levels

If there is one thing in common with every client (big or small) in the current business environment which is characterized by significant volatility and uncertainty, it is the increased level of complexity of supply chains. As the old saying goes, you are only as strong as your weakest [...]

5P Accelerator Process to Fast-Track Growth & Profits During Business Volatility

Our most successful clients are constantly thinking about how to thrive in ever-changing, volatile conditions.  They cannot afford to wait to see what is working for their competitors and then go "all in". Instead, only those who are resilient, innovative, and thinking five steps ahead will thrive in the next decade. 

Interview with Industrial Insights on How SIOP Can Address Business Volatility

Volatility started with the pandemic and has been exacerbated by weather disruptions such as the Texas storms, labor shortages throughout the world, accidents such as the ship that got stuck in the Suez canal, and wars such as the Russia-Ukraine war. The bottom line is that demand volatility is [...]

2025-02-03T10:12:44-08:00April 6, 2022|Categories: I've Been Thinking, SIOP / S&OP|Tags: , , , , |

Today’s Medical Developments: A Look at the Supply Chain Entering 2022

The end-to-end supply chain challenges are exacerbated with the great resignation comments Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Valve Magazine: Coping with Supply Disruption and Demand Volatility

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., talks about how to cope with the turmoil and its effect on manufacturers, their suppliers and their customers.

Stabilizing Supply Chains in Unstable Times

Lisa Anderson, founder and president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., offers advice on how supply-chain managers can function efficiently in a time of deep uncertainty – and why's it's vital to achieve visibility of both customers and suppliers. The first step toward stabilizing the supply chain is to reach out [...]

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