

Thrive During Recessionary Times – minimize complexity

The recession continues to seemingly worsen by the day. Businesses are cutting back. Employees are fearful. Foreclosures are rising. And the cycle continues. So, what is a manager or business to do to break this cycle?

2025-01-17T13:14:17-08:00April 28, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Succeed During These Turbulent Times – Manage for Cash Part 1: Manage Inventories

Businesses continue to cut back as the economy continues to worsen - seemingly every day. Cutting costs in a reasonable and smart manner is required; however, cost cutting alone rarely achieves success.

Thriving in Volatility & Recession

We are in an era of volatility. Who ever thought we'd get used to commonplace bank failures? How about the Dow rising or falling by hundreds of points in a day? Oil gushing into the Gulf? Toyota quality issues? Never! Get used to erratic change as it is the "new normal".

Want to Improve Your Business But Not Sure Where to Start?

Learn how your business stacks up with internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), then take action.

Volatility is the New Norm

In today's new normal business environment, volatility is the new norm. Change is required to remain competitive or to become competitive. If you manage change better than your competition, you'll have the opportunity to leapfrog the competition. In the last several years, I've seen a multitude of examples of [...]

2025-01-17T17:19:19-08:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Change Management / Culture Change|Tags: , , |
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