
Videos & Podcasts

Interlinks: Opportunities & Innovation in COVID

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. joins a panel of experts to discuss the flip side of COVID turbulence and disruption and the new opportunities and innovations that have resulted in these uncertain times.

Today’s Medical Developments: A Look at the Supply Chain Entering 2022

The end-to-end supply chain challenges are exacerbated with the great resignation comments Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Re-shoring/ Near-shoring & My Interview on Bloomberg TV

One of the strategies to better plan for the future so you aren't caught up in what appears to be a never-ending supply chain debacle is to reevaluate your manufacturing and supply chain footprint. Should you re-shore? Near-shore? Partner with suppliers in the region?

Talent in the Supply Chain

Listen as Lisa Anderson, Diane Garcia, David Ogilvie, Evan Bulmer, and Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks discuss the issues with recruiting and retaining talent in the supply chain.

Schenck: Client Video Success Story SIOP

Lisa Anderson is featured in a client video success story on SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning). SIOP provided better alignment on sales quotation and order flow to improve delivery performance for customers, increased visibility for planning resources, improved operating performance and a better view at upcoming demand to plan for surges and scale successfully.

Interlinks Podcast: Causes and Effects of Global Supply Chain Shortages

Listen in on the discussion from front-line perspectives on the causes and effects of the supply chain disruptions from Europe, America and Australia as Patrick Daly, Evan Bulmer and Lisa Anderson discuss supply chain shortages.

Industry Next: Business as Usual: Top 3 trends for 2022 Every Machinery Manufacturer Should Know

Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency talks about some of the key issues: limited resources, production, shipping, talent, data and business intelligence to name a few.

FOX Live Now: Supply Chain Challenges, Labor Shortages Impacting Americans

Listen as Lisa Anderson, supply chain consultant and president of LMA Consulting explains that the supply chain is a system of systems and what is happening and why we are off-kilter".

Battling Inflation in the Supply Chain

Battling Inflation in the Supply Chain In this episode of Interlinks we take a deeper dive into the world of the supply chain, with a group of international experts, all colleagues of mine from the Supply Chain Special Interest Group at the Society for the Advancement of Consulting. All [...]

ASCM: Unlocking The Power of Blockchain Technology

Watch and listen as Jane Tierney – Founder of Purple Link talks about innovative ways to reduce costs and risks in block chain technology.
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