Since I’m writing this newsletter from my vacation, it seemed a perfect topic to discuss, starting with the topic of why work while on vacation:

  1. Do what works for YOU – in my case, I’m able to work for a few hours and relax for a few hours without one affecting the other negatively (an example of why I chose to write this newsletter from San Diego instead of cram one more item in prior to leaving for vacation, which would have stressed me out). However, I have a few friends that feel the opposite – if the two become mixed, neither is accomplished successfully. So, know yourself and do what works for you.
  2. Do what works for YOU part two – what do you enjoy? Some people love to get out for a brief walk. Others love to get away for lunch. Others enjoy surfing the net. Others love reading. Discover what you enjoy and schedule in time for yourself throughout the day – either at planned intervals, after completing an important task or whatever makes sense. Most of these activities can take from 5 minutes to an hour but they provide some relief, and many times, you’ll return to work refreshed and more productive.
  3. Take time off/ vacations – as my HR mentor is famous for repeating, everyone needs time off/ vacations and should take them. It is a priority, and an important priority for the company as well since refreshed and energized employees tend to be productive, happier and sometimes healthier employees. And, if you are a leader, it is your duty to take vacation – everyone watches / follows what you do.
  4. Focus on what you are doing “at the time you are doing it” – I’ve been accused many times in the past (and even now from time to time) of not really being present because my mind wanders to something else, and it is excellent advice. Be in the moment – as the sayings say, smell the flowers, notice ‘new’ things (a friend recently noticed several, ‘new’ interesting things on a frequently traveled route, and it seemed to add spice to her day), enjoy the present (focus on the now, don’t worry about the past or future), etc.
  5. First, look for the positive – avoid jumping immediately to the negative.

© Lisa Anderson